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Latest 'Google Pack' NEW

Mar 31, 2007 0 comments
Google Pack.. it's a collection of utility softwares which google made for it's users. Users mean everyone who knows a word about google. I happen to use couple of them in google pack like google earth,picasa,google desktop search, google sketch, google talk etc.

More of a fascination, another third-parties have joined the clan. Symantec's Norton Security Scan,a free antivirus has been added. Similarly, PC Tool's Spyware Doctor is another addition to the pack which claims to offer a faster scan, better protection from all malwares/spywares . Guess what? they are free and Vista compatible.

If someone wants to live Google way, Google Pack is a must as it's a bunch of very very very free useful utilities. Now Google Pack has applications like Google Earth,Google Desktop,Google Picasa,Google Toolbar, Google Photos ScreenSaverr,Google Talk,Google VideoPlayer,Mozilla Firefox,Adobe Reader,Norton Security Scan, RealPlayer, GalleryPlayer HD images,Skype and Spyware Doctor.

Interestingly, Google Pack is intelligent to update all it's pack members from time to time.

I think there is support for multilanguages too. Checking would help someone acquire knowledge on it and of course to download 'Google Pack'.


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