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R.I.P Benoit and Guererro

Jul 3, 2007 2 comments
On June 25, 2007, Benoit, his wife Nancy, and their 7-year-old son Daniel were found dead in their Fayetteville, Georgia, home at around 2:30 p.m. The Fayette County, Georgia Sheriff's Department is currently investigating this case. Lieutenant Tommy Pope reported to ABC News that police entered Benoit's home on a "welfare check" after several missed appointments, leading to concerns. Pope also stated the police are not searching for any suspects outside of the house, as the instruments of death were located at the scene of the crime.
Chris Benoit

Benoit and Eddie Guerrerro

Last year, Guerrerro died and this year Chris. The initial reports says they both were drugged. Don't do Steroid. It's reported Chris killed his wife and son under the influence of drug. But whatever, we lost some best wrestlers, our entertainers. R.I.P Benoit and Guerrerro.

More read here:


Anonymous said…
Yeah benoit killed his wife and his poor lil son and then commited suiced. Dyamm.

And this happened just when vince and his family were pretending to be dead.
Navin said…
so sad yaar.., years of training and see how these people are ending their lives.. at least they could've lived their lives at fullest.. anyway, RIP to those great entertainers. i still don't believe, this guy is dead.

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