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The secret guide to computers

Mar 6, 2008 0 comments
"The secret guide to computers" is galore of informational tips and tutorials on computers. Computer has become inseparable part of our life, this is the known fact. No matter if you've no interest on it or you don't really care about, eventually things related with 'Computer' will surely knock the door of your illiterate mind about computers.

"The secret guide to computers" is the title of a site(also of a book) called

This site has all things about computers defined and disclosed in simple form to understand quickly. Even grandpa or grandma can pick the topic and quickly learn how to deal stuffs related with computer.

The original concept of "The secret guide to computers" belongs to Russ Walter and his staff. According to them,
"The Secret Guide to Computers" is the world's only complete computer tutorial: it explains how to buy, use, fix, reprogram, and manage your computer."

Everything is free to read online at, however to read it in hard-covered books, one has to pay for it. So, the real book will cost you a money.

In other hand, Russ Walter has his own site called where he has claimed that only his site has the latest updated informations than any other sites inspired by him. His site has published portion of the entire information for free. To read the rest, reader has to pay certain sum.

In this regard, I recommend for everyone since it's contents are free,relevant and contemporary no matter even if it's not updated frequently as said.

If you are interested to read it in book, Buy The Secret Guide to Computers: 27th Edition


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