1. Yahoo! derived its name from the word yahoo coined by Jonathan Swift in Gulliver's Travels. A Yahoo is a person who is repulsive in appearance and action and is barely human!
2. In the Deep web, the part of the Web not currently catalogued by search engines, public information said to be 500 times larger than on the WWW.
3. Researchers consider that the first search engine was Archie, created in 1990 by Alan Emtage, a student at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
4. The first search engine for Gopher files was called Veronica created by the University of Nevada System Computing Services group.
5. Tim Berners-Lee predicted in 2002 that the Sematic Web would "foster global collaborations among people with the diverse cultural perspectives", but the project never seems to have really taken off.
6. The top visited websites in February 2004, including affilated sites, were Yahoo!,MSN, the Time Warner Network, EBay, Google, Lycos, and About.com.
7. In February 2004, Sweden led the world in Internet penetration, with 76.9 percent of people connected to the Internet. The world average is 11.1 percent.
8. Marc Andreessen founded Netscape. In 1993,he had already developedMosaic, the first Web browserwith GUI.
9. The search engine "Lycos"is named for Lycosidae, the Latin name for the wolf spider family.
10. The US International Broadcasting Bureau (Voice of America,basically), created aproxy service to allow Chinese, Iranians nd other 'oppressed' people to circumvent there national firewalls relaying forbidden pages behind silicon curtains.
11. Developed at the University of Nevada, Veronica is a constantly-updated database of the names of almost every menu item on thousands of gopher sevices.
12. It was once considered a letter in the English language. The Chinese call it a little mouse, Danes and Swedes call it 'elephant's trunk', Germans a spider monkey, and Italians a snail. Israelis pronounce it 'studels' and the Czechs say 'rollmops'... What is it? the @ sign.
13. Lurking is to read through mailling lists or news groups and get a feel of the topic before posting one's ownmessages.
14. SRS stands for Shared Registyr Server. The central system for all accredited registrars to access, register and control the domain names.
15. WAIS stands for 'Wide Area Information Servers'- a commercial software package that allows the indexing of huge quantities of information, then makes those indices searchable across the Internet.
16. An anonymiser is a privacy service that allows a user to visit Web sites without allowing anyone to gather information about which sites they visit.
17. Archie is an information system offering an electronic directory service for locating information residing on anonymous FTP sites.
18. On the internet, a 'bastion host' is the only host computer that a company allows to be addressed directly form the public network.
19. Did you know that the original URL of Yahoo! was http://akebono.stanford.edu/?
20. 'Carnivore' is the Internet surveillance system developed by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), who developed it to monitor the electronic transmissions of criminal suspects.
21. The Electrohippies Collective is an international group of 'hacktivists' based on Oxforshire,England.
22. UIML (User Interface Markup Language) is a descriptive language that lets you create a Web page that can be sent to any kind of interface device.
23. In Internet terminology, a demo is a non-interactive multimedia presentation, the computer world's equivalent of a music video.
24. Did you know that the name of the famous search engine AltaVista came in to existence when someone accidentlly read and suggested the word 'Alto' writtern near the word 'Vista' on an unclean whiteboard as 'AltaVista'?
25. Cyber Patrol, Surf Watch, Net Nanny and Big Brother are all access filters used to block access to objectionable Websites.
26. Boeing was the first airline to discover the Y2K problem, way bakc in 1993.
27. Did you know that Domain Registration was free until an announcement by the National Science Foundation on 14th September, 1995, changed it?
28. The Internet was initially called the 'Galactic network' in memos written by MIT's JCR Licklider in 1962.
29. Shokyo Ishiko, adoctorate in agriculture and chief priest of Daioh Temple in Kyoto has created an online virtual temple which will perforn neniruak services for lost information.
30. A 55kg laddu was made for Lord Venkateswara at Tirumala as Y2K prayer offering.
31. On an average, each person receives 26.4 e-mails as a day.
32. The morning after Internet Explorer 4 was released, certain mischievous Microsoft workers left a 10-by-12-foot letter 'e' and a balloon with the message, "we love you", on Netscape 's front lawn.
33. If you were a resident of Tonga, a monarchy in the southwest Pacific, you could own
domains as cool as 'mail.to' and 'head.to'
34. The American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) began the administration and registration of INternet IP adresses in North and south America in March 1998.
35. The testbed for the Internet's new adressing system, IPv6, is called the 6bone.
36. The first Internet worm was created by Robert T.Morris ,Jr, and attacked more than 6,000 Internet hosts.
37. According to The Economist magazine, the first truly electronic bank on the Internet, called First Virtual Holdings, was opened by Lee stein in 1994
38. The French Culture Ministry has banned the word 'e-mail' in all goavernment ministries, documents, publications and Websites, because 'e-mail is an English word. They prefer to use the term 'courriel'.
39. The first computer company to register for a domain name was Digital Equipment Corporation
40. The German police sell used patrol cars over the Internet, because earlier auctions fetched low prices and only a few people ever showed up.
41. Rob Glaser's compan, Progressive Networks, luanched the Real Audio system on April 10, 1995.
42. 'Browser safe colors' refer to the 216 colours that are rendered the same way in both the PC and Mac operating systems.
43. Though the world wide web was born in1989 at CERN in Switzerland, in research for particle physics.
44. The 'Dilbert Zone ' Web site was the first syndicated comic strip site available on the Internet.
45. Butler Jeeves of the Internet site Askjeeves.com made its debut as a large helium balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in 2000.
46. Sun MIcorsystems sponsors NetDay, an effort to wire American public school's to the Internet, with help from the US government.
47. In Bejing, the Internet community has coined the word 'chortal' as a shortened version of ' Chines portal'.
48. Google got its name fromt he mathematical figure googol, which denotes the number 'one followed by a hundred zeroes.'
49. Telnet is one of the oldest forms of Internet connections. Today, it is used primarily to access online databases.
50. Domain names can really sell at high prices! The most expensive domain name was 'business.com', which was bought by e- companies for $7.5 million in1999.
51. The first ever ISP was Compusreve. It still exists, under AOL Time Warner.
52. In 1969, ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) went online, connecting four major US Universities. The idea was to have a back up in case a military attack destroyed conventional communications systems.
53. 'Content, commerce and community' are refereed to as 'the three big Cs', the most important aspects of the Internet.
54. Ray Tomlinson, a scientist from Cambridge, introduced electronic mail in 1972. He used the @ to distinguish between the sender's name and network name in the e-mail address.
55. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) was designed in 1973.
56. The Apple iTunes music store was introduced in the spring of 2003. It allows people to download songs for an affordable 99 cents each.
57. Satyam Online became the first private ISP in December 1998 to offer Internet connection in India.
58. 56 percent of US companies sold their Products online by 2000, as compared to 24 percent in 1998.
59. More than a million new jobs were created by the US high-tech industry since 1993
60. The number of UK Internet users increases by an estimated 75percent each year
61. The Internet is the third-most used advertising medium in the world , closely catching up with traditional local newspaper and yellow magazines.
62. IAN Cobain, a journalist from the Times, London, used Internet search engines to track down four people on Interpol's 'most wanted' list-in just 82minutes!
63. It took 13 years for television to reach 50 million users- it took the Internet less than 4 years.
64. As of now, there are over 260 million people with Internet access worldwide.
65. Preliminary employment data show that the US high-tech industry employed 4.8 million workers in 1998, making it the nation's largest industry.
66. Did you know that Digital Equipment Corporation was the first computer company to register a domain name/
67. 1 out of 6 people used the Internet in North America and Europe, as per a 1999 survey.
68. Internet Advertising in the US generated $1.92billion in1998, double the 1997 figure.
69. The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute.
70. In 1946, the Merriam Wevster Dictionary defined computer as ' a person who tabulates numbers ; accountant;actuary;bookkeeper;
71. An estimated 2.5 billion hours were wasted online last year as people waited for pages to download, according to a study sponsored by Nortel Networks.
72. AOL says spam is the number one complaint of its custmers , and that it has to block over one billion unsolicited e-mails every day.
73. In 2002, the average Internet user received 3.7 spam messages per day. The total rose 6.2 spam messages per day in 2002. by 2007, it is expected to reach 830 messages per day.
74. In 1965, high-tech's share of business spending in the US was 3 percent. In 1996, It shot up to 45 percent.
75. A technology industry research firm called Basex says that unsolicited e-mail cost nearly $20 billion in lost time and expenses worldwide in 2000
76. In 2003, an Atlanta-based ISP called Earthink won a lawsuit worth $16.4 million (US) against a spammer in Buffalo NY, and a $25 million(US) lawsuit against a spammer in Tennessee.
77. In Canada, five billion junk e-mails were sent last year. The cost to the economy reaches $ 1 billion annually.
78. Brightmail, the leading supplier of anti-spam software, reported that in 2003, spam actually exceeded legitimate e-mail, growing from 40 percent to more than 56 percent of all Internet e-mail... in just one year.
79. In 1993, there were 26000 domain names in use. In 1999, there were 5 million web sites.
80. After English, Japanese, and then German are the most used languages on the Net.
81. It is estimated that by 2005, 60 percent of all Internet users will speak a language other than English.
82. An estimated 2.2 percent of the world's population is currently online.
83. The latest stats indicate that China appears to be the fastest growing Internet market in the world.
84. Recent studies indicate that more than two out of every five people in North America are now Internet users.
85. About 60 percent of North American Internet users have used the Web to shop
86. Spam drains productivity from businesses as employees spend from 15 minutes to an hour every day pressing the delete key.
87. Use of home PCs to surf the Net has dropped by almost 40 percnet in the last four years as Internet use has penetrated the work place.
88. On a per capita basis, the US only ranks 5th in terms of Internet users. Iceland, Norway, Sweden & Finland have higher per capita use.
89. Which companies spend the most on web advertising ? Microsoft tops the list, with Amazon.com taking second spot and TRUSTe the third.
90. Where do most news addicts go to on the eb? The top three destinations are msnbc.com, weather.com, and cnn.com
91. After the April 2001 collision of a US navy spy plane and a Chinese fighter Jet, Chinese hackers launched Denial of Service(DoS) attacks against American web sites.
92. Subash Ghai's film Taal was the first Bollywood movie to be widely promoted on the Net.
93. Ziggy, a cat, has become the first animal in the world to own shares intersaver.co.uk
94. Jeff Bezos, when starting his business could not name his Web site Cadabra (as om 'avracadabra') due to copyright issues. He later named it amazon.com
95. China had 150 billion junke-mails last year, making it the second-biggest target of spam.
96. The top e-tail sites on the Web are Amazon.com, ticketmaster.com, and buy.com
97. There are between1.5 million to 2 million closed circuit television cameras in Britain, making Britons the most watched people on earth.
98. The Microsoft Terraserver is a free Website that has more than 999 gigabytes of black and white photos featuring specific parts of the Earth's surface taken by Russian and American airplanes and satellites during the Cold war.
99. In the 1980s- well before the Internet became something the general public wanted to use-scores of free 'bulletin board services' (BBSs) sprang up around the United States. The first free public BBS was 'cleveland Free-Net', and they shut down on 1st october 1999, because the software that ran the service couldn't recognise the year 2000.
100. According to a study by Nielsen Media Research, households with Internet access watch 13 percent less TV than households that are not online.
101. The three legitimate names for copycat viruses inspired by the infamous Melissa virus were Ping, Madcow and Syndicate.
102. Viral marketing is when your app 'infects' other users via usage. The recipient finds out about the service by receiving a card from his ro her friend.
103. Just like astronomers would love to find the elusive 'Dark Matter', Yahoo! is now working on its Content Acquisition Program to map and explore the 'Deep Web ', the part of the web that search engines typically do not crawl. As a result of this, much, much more of the web will be accesible via Yahoo1's search engines.
104. According to Yahoo!, cloning, Saddam Hussein and Iraq were the most searched- for news stories in 2003
105. You get spam because your e-mail adress makes its way to spammers through various channels. For exampl, if you sign up for a newsltter, the site may sell your e-mail to spammer. Sites maintain e-mail lists that they send spam to. Price can be as low as Rs2500 for one lakh e-mails.
106. Many researchers and surfers consider that the first search engine was Archie, created in 1990 by Alan Emtage, a student at McGill University in Montreal.
107. In 2003, the top 10 searched- for terms on Yahoo! were Kazza, Harry Potter, American Idol, Britney Spears, 50 Cent, Eminem, WWE, Paris Histon, Nascar and Christian Aquilera.
108.Niue is a small island in the Pacific that makes much of its revenue selling domain names. The country code is .nu, and there ws a time in the recent past when one could easily get domain names like rajesh.nu.
109. In 1999, PhotoHighway.com introduced the first Internet Photography site to offer software that allows people to load photos directly from a digital camera to a website.
110. On 5th June, 2001, Nevada became the first US state to vote to legalise online gambling- which is not surprising,since Las Vegas is in Nevada
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