1. Intel is short for Integrated Electronics.
2. Ulsl stands for Ultra Large Scale Integration, used in microchips with over one million transistors.
3.A fat Mac application is an application program for the Macintosh computer that works on a Mac running on an Motorola 68000 series chip.
4.FC-PGA (Flip Chip-Pin Grid Array) is a microchip design developed by Intel for its faster micorprocessor.
5. Intel co-founder Gordon Moore said in 1965," The amount of information storable in one square inch of silicon will double every 18 months.". This came to be known an Moore's Law.
6. In 1963, Douglas Engelbart invented the mouse as a pointing device for computers. It was patented as the X-Y indicator indicator in 1968.
7. VisiCalc, invented in 1979, was the first spreadsheet program available for computers.
8. IBM was incorporated in 1911 under the name Computing- Tabulating-Recording Company.
9. 1984 was the year of the GUI. Apple introducced the Macintosh, the first PC with a graphical user interface.
10. Intel's Flying Pentium Ads and the 'Intel Inside' logo were made on an Apple Macintosh.
11. In 1938, Claude Shannon first showed that electronic switching circuits could perform logical operations.
12. The computing for the pioneer 10 spacecraft was done by the Intel 4004 microprocessor.
13. The CVAX chip used a DEC Micro VAX II microprocessor. A message was inscribed on the chip, in Russian, which said,"VAX, when you care enough to seal the very best"!
14. A modern quarter-inch square silicon chip has the power of the 1949 ENIAC computer, which occupied a full city block.
15. Andrew Grove, former Chariman, Intel Corporation, was flooded with over 120 names to choose from for its latest processor. He finally settled on 'Pentium' after spending $40000.
16. Ted Hoff, Stan Mazor and Federico Faggin designed the Pentium Chip that was launched on March 22, 1993.
17. In July 1968, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, started N M Electronic. Soon after, they started calling it Intel.
18. Intel's code name for its effort to make the one GHz micro processor was project Foster.
19. Intel's project on the first processor to use the new 64-bit architecture was under the code name Merced.
20. If you happened to open up the case of the original Macintosh, you would find 17 signatures, one for each memeber of Apple's Macitosh division as og 1982.
21. Intel created the Timna processor in 2001, a low-end product, but it was given a hastly burial after problems cropped up with the memory translator hub (MTH)
22. The component was invented by Dorr Felt. It was the first entirely key-operated calculating machine- a practical adding and listing machine.
23. The first microprocessor to make it in a home computer was the Intel 8088, a complete 8-bit computer on one chip introduced in 1974.
24. The first microprocessor to make it a real splash in the market was the Intel 8088, introduced in 1979 and incorporated into the IBM PC.
25. The Pentium 4 runs the code about 5000 times faster than the 8088.
26. Wintel computers, PCs eith an Intel processor and running a windows operating system, account for 80 percent of PCs in use today.
27. Windows Me started a new technology called System File Protection that prevented applications from over writing key system files.
28. Hewlett Packard's first order, for eight oscillators, came from Walt Disney, while he was making the film Fantasia in 1940.
29. Hewlett Packard introduced the mopier in 1996, aprinter that offers a low-cost, high-quality alternative to photocopying.
30. The Biztalk Server is a Microsoft product. It unites enterprise application integration (EAI) and business-to-business (B2B) Integration in a single product.
31. In 1984, Apple Computer introduced the Apple IIc model laptop, which had an internal 5.25-inch floppy drive.
32. 'Stinger' was the codename Microsoft used for its smart phone platform that was unveiled in 2001.
33. A peer-to-peer Network is type of network in which each workstation has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities without there being, for example, a central server.
34.PROM (Programmable Reading Only Memory) programmed at the time of manufacturing.
35. The first ever ISP was compuserve, established in 1969. It still exists under AOL Time warner.
36. James Gosling created Java at sun Microsystems. He came up with the name 'Java' while debating over it at a coffee shop.
37. The TWAIN Working Group is a not-for-profit organisation. It represents the imaging industry. TWAIN is short for "technology without an interesting name', and you'll see TWAIN drivers with scanners.
38. In a computer monitor, the vlotage gets boosted to 30000 volts in parts of the circuitry.
39. When it opened way back in 1993. The Trojan Room became the world's first Internet site to use a Webcam. It took little time for it to develop a cult following
40. 'Biometrics' is the term for the technology that performs identification by fingerprint, retinal, and voice scans.
41. The high-speed data highways of the Internet are called backbones.
42. Did you know that the first computer to perform a trillion operations per second was called gravity pipeline?
43. The Commodore 64 was the best selling PC of its time. It had a large memory capacity for the time-64KB; the low-cost floppy disks; and color graphics.
44. The ENIAC was developed way back in 1946 at the University of Penn sylvania. It calculated at the then-phenomenal rate of 5000 additions persecond.
45. The CD-ROM made its debut in 1984 through the combined efforts of Philips and Sony.
46. In 1982, Andrew Fluegelman created the first ever shareware, known as PC-talk. It was a communications software.
47. The Popular Cd recording software Nero Burning ROM is named after the Roman Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, who is said to have been playing music while Rome was burning.
48. Did you know that the University of Waterloo 'stole' version 7 of Unix before it was released?
49. Alan Kay of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center envisioned the first notebook -sized, portable computer called the Dyna book in the 1970s. The first laptop computer was designed in 1979 by William Moggridge of Grid Systems Corp. It had 340 Kilobytes of bubble memory.
50. In early 2002, Microsoft announced that the BMw 7- series luxury sedans were now running the Windows CE embedded operating system. Passengers could access and control in-car navigation telephone and entertainment systems.
51. In CD-ROM drivers, 1X is equal to 150KBps. In DVDs, 1X equals 1.38MBps- a little over nine times faster than CDs.
52. In 1994, Intel shipped about 2 million flawed pentium chips. Intel soon adopted a no-questions-asked return policy for computers with the flawed chips.
53. In old Fortran Compliers, if you said a=2, and then said 3=a then 3 would become 2 and 3+3 would add up to 4!.
54. Did you know that Windows XP was code-named Whistler?
55. With in just six years of the release of the 80286 processor, a whopping 15 million 286-based personal computers were installed globally.
56. The first digital computer weighed 30 tons.
57. A 'dongle' is a security or copy protection device consisting of hardware, software or both working in combination, and/or any hardware device that attaches to a PC's I/O port to add hardware capabilties.
60. In 1980, Microsoft introduced the Z-80 softcard, a circuit board marking Microsoft's first foray into the hardware world. The card was designed for the AppleII computer.
62. Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) is a simple language used to define hyper text-like content and application for hand held devices.
63. Many medical schools in the US provide financial aid to students to purchase handhelds as they offer services like patient trackers, drug databases etc.
64. One of the first PDA's to be commercially available was Apple's Newton Message pad. But the Newton was too big, expensive, and complicated, and its handwriting recognition program was poor. It flopped, even though it was ahead of its time.
65. The Celeron processor was launched in 1999, as part of Intel's strategy to develop processors for specific market segments.
66. The Palm OS fits in less than 100K, which is less than one percent the size of windows 98 or the Mac OS.
67. The pentium III processor was launched in 1999. It enhanced performance of advanced applications.
68. A PDA doesn't have a hard drive. It stores basic programs on a ROM chip- they remain intact even when the machine shuts down. Data and programs added later are stored in RAM.
69. Two popular handwriting recognition software for PDA's are Fraffiti and Jot. Graffiti requires that each letter be recorded in one uninterrupted motion, and has a specialised alphabet.
70. 'MIDI' stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface'. It's a standard for sending digitally encoded music information between electronic devices, such as between synthesizers and computers.
71. CPUs typically operate at 40 to 50 degrees Celcius. The 'danger zone' is typically when the temperature goes above 60 degrees.
72. The difference betweeen CDRs and music CDs (or other commercially produced CDs) are that the former are burnt, while the latter are presse. ' Pressing' is a manufacturing technique very differnet from burning.
73. In 1953, Remington-Rand developed the first high-speed Printer for use on the Univac computer.
74. The nVidia GeForce 6800 Ultra has 222 million transistors, which is the record for the maximum number of transistors on a chip.
75. The original laser printer called EARS was developed at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center begining in 1969 and completed in November 1971. According to Xerox,"The xerox 9700 Electronic Printing System, the first Xerographic laser printer product, was released in 1977."
76. 'Colossus' was the first totally elctronic computing device. It used only vaccum tubes and had no relays.
77. According to IBM," the very first IBM 3800 was installed in the central accounting office at F.w. woolworth's North American data center in Milkwaukee, Wisconsin in 1976" The IBM 3800 Printing System was the industry's first hig-speed, laser printer that operated at speeds of more than 100 impressions per minute.
78. The inkjet printer was invented in 1976 but it took two decades for it to become a common household item. The first Hewlett-Packard DeskJet printer for household use cost $1000.
79. Did you know that the IBM PC once sold as 'Model 5150'?
80. In France, most keyboards are 'AZERTY' instead of the regular QWERTY.
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