1. When Windows 3.1 was launched, 3 million copies were sold in the first two months.
2. Windows 95 can officially run on a 386DX at 20 MHz with just 4MB of RAM.
3. The Win95/98 logos were created with free hand on a Macintosh.
4. At the turn of the millennium, Bill Gates went head to head with the United States Department of Justice over the company's bundling of software. At the trial, Gates claimed that Internet Explorer could not be unbundled from the rest of WIndows. But an expert witness for the prosecution went to work in the courtroom and unbundled Explorer in just 10 minutes!.
5. Did you know that the 'Save' icon-the floppy-in Microsoft Office applications is wrongly depicted? The small rectangle is on the right instead of on the left.
6. Though the highest possible encryption in Windows 2000 was 128-bit, Microsoft only sent the 40-bit version to india, because India was under US sanctions after Pokhran.
7. At Microsoft,'Gone Gold' is when a gold computer disk is created,indicating that a particular software product coding is frozen and production would now begin.
8. At one time, MS- DOS was reffered to as 'Domestos', after a brand of local tiolet cleaner, by people against this operating system.
9. David Bradley wrote the code for the Ctrl+Alt+Delete key squence.
10. In 1994, MIcrosoft said that Adam Baratz-a 9 year old- was the youngest beta tester for Windwos 95.
11. In the movie True Lies, the businessman who finances the terrorists runs the Arabic edition of the Windows3.1.
12. The book 'The Rules of the Net' calls UNIX' the Swiss army knife of the Net'.
13. In 1964, OS/2 was developed jointly by Microsoft and IBM. It is considered by many to be superior to Windows, and it runs on PC-compatible machines.
14. IBM Research labs is working on building a high - performance operating system targetted at the next generation of servers under the code name K42.
15. Gene Amdahl programmed the first operating system for the IBM 704.
16. The Japanese version of MS Office has a character you can't find in any other version. The ' Office Lady' is a virtual assistant that bows, serves tea.
17. Alan Kay, Adele Goldberg, and David Robson, all of PARC, developed SmallTalk-72 the first truly object-oriented language and OS.
18."Wyvern" was the code name for the version of Windows CE that supports colour screens for the Pal-sized PC format. A wyvern is a two-legged flying dragon with a poisonous spiked tail.
19. 'Winpad' was Microsoft's failed handheld PC operating system, which it developed and killed before coming up with Windows CE. Microsoft scrapped the Winpad project reportedly because they couldn't figure out how to squeeze variant of Windows into an affordable handheld size.
20. MS-DOS was a rough imitation of CP/M one of the first portable operating system. "Portable" means that the OS could run on different hardware.
And the Timeline of Operating systems follows:
In 1957,Bell labs found they needed an operating systems for their computer center which at the time was running various batch jobs. The BESYS operating system was created to deal with thee needs.
In 1965,Bell Labs was adopting third generation computer equipment and decided to join forces with General Electric and MIT to create Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service).
In 1969,AT&T made a decision to withdraw Multics and go with GECOS. When Multics was withdrwan, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie needed to rewrite an operating system in order to play space travel on another, smaller machine. The result was system which a punning colleague called UNICS(UNiplexed Information and Computing Service)- an 'enasculated Multics'.
In 1971,The first edition of UNIX was released on the 3rd of December. The second edition was released on the 6th of December, 1972.
In 1973,UNIX had been installed on 16 sites, all within AT&T/ Western Electric. It was publicly unveilled at a conferrence in October thrid, fourth and fifth editions followed.
In 1977,1BSD was released; 2BSD was released mid 1978, 3BSD was released late 1979.
In 1979,SCO was founded by Doug and Larry Michels as a UNIX porting and consulting company.
In 1983,SCO delivers its first packaged UNIX system, called SCO XENIX System V for Intel 8086 and 8088 processor-based PCs.
In 1984,Ultrix 1.0 was released.
In 1985,The GNU manifesto is published in the March 1985 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal. The GNU project started a year and a half later.
In 1987,Sun and AT&T laid the groundwork for business computing in the next decade with an alliance to develop UNIX System V Release 4.
In 1988,HP-UX 2.0 was released Version 3.0 followed.
In 1989,SCO ships SCO UNIX systemV/386, the first volume commercial product licensed by AT&T to use the UNIX system trademark.
In 1990,AIX, short for Advanced Interactive executive, was first entered into the market by IBM in February.
In 1993,FreeBSD 1.0 was released in December.
In 1994,Red Hat Linux is introduced.
In 1994,Caldera Inc. was founded by Ransom Love and Bryan Sparks.
In 1995,SCO acquired UNIX Systems source technology buisness from Novell corporation, which had acquired it from AT&T's UNIX system laboratories. SCO also acquired the UNIXWare 2 OS from Novell.
In 1997,Caldera shipped OpenLinux standard 1.1 on May 5, the second offering in caldera's OpenLinux product line.
In 1998, IRIX 6.5 the fifth generation of SGI UNIX was released on the 6th of July.
In 1998,SCO delivered the UnixWare 7 operating system.
In 1998,The Sun Solaris 7 operating system was released.
In 1998,FreeBSD 3.0 was released on the 16th of october.
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