If you are reading this page, you just know it's an internet but there are lots of things running behind. Lets say, we get internet as subscribed service through some Local ISPs, and then we start surfing net for fun, research,mails or for anything. We give simply www.something.com on address bar of the browser and we promptly jump into the site's content. We don't care what's the technical aspects behind this and it's not necessary either. I'm concerned to care about technical aspect because, what we see is not the correct thing on our browser's address bar. Though we see the human readable phrases as www.meroguff.com, in fact it's the numbers that each computer in the network deals with each other. If i do a reverse DNS lookup of www.meroguff.com, it shows me This is a 32 bit naming convention of each node(a computer on a network). This is IP(internet protocol) number we are dealing with in real. So, how do these numbers convert into letters and how do letters convert into numeric IP numbers? It's because of DNS(Domain Name system/server). It's a server software that resolves the www.meroguff.com into numbers and vice-versa. Our ISP has their own DNS and sometimes we face inability to surf internet and so. Sometimes its not even optimized.
So, i came through this OpenDns.com . This is an online DNS service(which is free) which according to it gives us protection from phishing sites and some other malicious sites. I felt very happy and promptly applied it to my system. Now, i'm not using my ISP's DNS instead i'm using OpenDNS and writing you these words that way. Albeit, i'm using my ISP's own gateway. That's something we can't avoid because we've paid for it. Haven't we?
Lets implement OpenDNS to our system.
1. Please visit www.opendns.com for more info and for other necessary procedures.
2. If you are an XP user, simply click the link below to follow the exact procedures;
3. Restart the connection or better off restart the whole system.
4. Now, visit this link http://welcome.opendns.com/
If you've successfully set up your system, you'll see something like the screen below :
5. There is a demo site acting as phishing site. And when you visit the phishing site or some malicious sites, you'll get warning message like below:
To my knowledge, this is a cool way to surf internet.
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