Jeneane Sessum writes in her blog that her Gmail inbox has been completely wiped out.
Is it technical flaw or something else?
It's not only Jeneane Sessum, but there is a entire thread and forum dedicated to discuss why people's Gmail inbox mails are dissappearing.
To get more idea on it, ..
check Sessum's blogpost here :
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But, i'm not against Gmail. Though,few weeks ago, gmail acted up strangely. Firefox/IE didn't open any mail in the gmail inbox. Either, i had to do refresh and click the same mail twice to read or i had to use Apple's Safari browser to check my mails conveniently. (i checked almost on 3 different computers and IE/Firefox both acted weird. Albeit, Safari didn't give me any problems)
Silently, the issue had been solved and i can check gmail normally on all browsers now. That problem might have gone unnoticed but whatever, it was acting weird.
and, regarding this disappearing mails, something technical flaws are there for sure.
so, my conclusion is gmail is not without flaws. It behaves differently on different browers. That's my experience and may be some hackers(black/grey) might have exploited or it could be as simple as you've mentioned.
And, checking mails on others computers? it is safe till you logout and don't put the click on OK button to remember passwords on others computer.