Backed by artificial intelligence(AI) software based on Zabaware's award winning Ultra Hal engine, the site http://www.askthecandidates2008.com has been incorporated with transcripts of all the presidential debates thus far.
If you are discouraged to find that this is not even a real chat session with the candidates(when i wrote 'techy way', i really meant that jeez), don't worry, all the answers you need/get are as authenticated as you've imagined. The candidates on the site will be bot and they'll answer your questions. Select with whom you want to start dialog,hit your questions and there you are.
I found this interesting because, it answered couple of my questions and that helped me to get an idea on American politics. Its quick and easy but questions have to be genuine. Instinctively, don't ask funny/harsh/profane questions,else the relevancy level of answers would be zero.
Who's your bet on who will win the 2008 election? And how much are you willing to bet on that??
malaysia shud do this too.
im hoping for some miracle for political world in malaysia.
the way they answers and gave statement in newspapers already prove their mentality [3rd class mentality i mean]. they cant even answer a genuine question i think. lol.
some answers are funny one. But we can know what they think and their view after reading the answer weather question is not related to....?
This kind of site is suitable for our country leaders because election is going to be held soon?????? its like " hati baliyo ki hati chaap chhapal baliyo."
I am in favour of Barack Obama! Obama all the way!
Hillary Clinton... booooooooo
I ask question about gay marrige and i get answers about educating childrens about homosexuality ....... haha
I checked and OBAMA is pretty positive towards Gay/lesbian community :) wow, what a site, I referred. I'm getting info on that site :)