It's been almost 2 weeks for me ever since I used Entrecard. The response is good. Besides, the blog has to be the Entrecard member to be able to drop or get dropped. Signup is a cakewalk.
The fuel of Entrecard is the entrecard credits. When you signup, you'll start with zero credit and to earn credit, it's simple. Drop your card to every blog which is displaying Entrecard Widget. Each drop you make, you'll earn one credit. So, if you drop your card to 100 blogs daily, you'll earn 100 credits daily. Simple!! It seems quite hectic and time consuming though. Now, advertising plays the role to earn quick credits. If some advertisers come and place their adverts on you, you'll have to approve the advert request. By doing so, you'll earn some quick entrecard credits. How much credits you'll earn from advertisers depends upon how many entrecard bloggers dropped their cards to yours. If 15 people drop their cards to yours, your credit value becomes double the number of people who dropped their cards on yours. So, 15 people dropping their cards will make you earn 30 entrecard credits from individual advertiser.

Most of the time, new entrecard members are bombarded with advert requests since it costs too less to advertise on new entrecard member's blog.
It compels you to visit blogs everyday, drop your card and earn some credits. Initially, when I did drop my card, I just didn't care much about the blog contents. My only intention was to earn credits as fast as possible so that I could advertise my blog on some other popular blogs. But, as I started dropping my card on daily basis, I came across some interesting blogs where now I spend considerable amount of my time reading them.
No matter if you don't care at first, but finally you'll start noticing blogs where you drop your cards. That happened to me and I think Entrecard, the idea is brilliantly working.
The reason behind this post today is because, I want to thank one person who is deliberately dropping her card on my blog everyday.

Truly, I enjoyed reading her blog about her kids, her daily rantings and her personal experiences,stories et cetera.
Hey, SUE, thanks for dropping your card on mine and helping both of us earn some nasty Entrecard credits :) Yeas, you were the top dropper of all within these couple of weeks. And thank you all other droppers too. I'll feature any of you guys for second time(after SUE) once you reach maximum drops(this time 20 drops) on mine.

Thank you for reading thus far.
51 credits in your account
15 credits to advertise on your blog
13 cards you dropped
38 cards dropped on you
4 clicks via ads you placed
11 clicks from your blog to others
0 ads you bought
12 ads bought from you
44 clicks from to you.
It means what? And what should I do next. Your suggestions.
And, to find out who dropped their cards on you, You can see it under the INDEX section of DASHBOARD SCREEN. Those are the people who just dropped their cards on yours :) So, you've to keep checking your ENTRECARD DASHBOARD more frequently to find out who dropped their cards.
You can also find where your AD is running or pending for approval or if approved from the YOUR ADS section of DASHBOARD. It is only when you buy AD space clicking ADVERTISE link from below the ENRECARD.
When Someone buys AD space from you, they shall appear under ADVERTISERS section of the SAME DASHBOARD SCREEN.
ANd, Once you approved their ADs, they'll go to next section called ON YOUR WIDGET. Each day for 24 hours, they'll SHOW UP on your blog. So, it takes a day for them to show up and the NEXT on QUEUE will appear after the previous AD expires.
The above stat shows, how many times you dropped your card and how many times you received the Entrecard drop.
If you want to see in more details who were the dropper, you can click to STATISTICS link and far below you'll have an idea on how many times, who dropped on yours :)
Hope that helps your case bro :)
btw, niceposting about entrecard cos i don't really know how to use it yet.
Keep visiting, and oh , Entrecard is just the way to connect with other fellow bloggers.. and I think it's working :)
pressure? lol
And, I'm pretty much sure that, my readers will do the same thing after reading this post of mine :) i.e to Use
Entrecard :) gives a free blog platform for any blogger. But It doesn't allow any kind of Ads. So, it's extremely useful for them who don't want AD cluttered all around his/her blog.
Unlikely, other free blogging platform like blogger allows you to have ADs. So, blogger is for money making fellows as well as for blogging too.
But, if you really want to have lots of customization and uniqueness, then, you've to have a webhost where you could install Wordpress blog script from
Hope that clears some confustions.