You may be reluctant to abandon your 35mm rig, but the time is right. Digital camera prices have dropped and the digital photography offers some very strong advantages over film.
First, digital photography provides better photos. This is probably the strongest suit for digital options. Pictures have greater clarity and colors are unbelievably vibrant. Digital cameras can produce photographic prints of a much higher quality for most non-professional photographers. Additionally, the digital medium is far more forgiving than film. Novices can manage nearly professional-grade pictures.
A simple piece of photo editing software multiplies this advantage. One can remove red-eye with a few mouse clicks, crop out unwanted background items, or adjust color and contrast to produce a truly outstanding photograph. Absent the use of a scanner (and a scanner that’s up to the task can be hard to find or afford), traditional film-based alternatives do not allow for this kind of photo correction.
Second, digital photography offers greater efficiency. When one takes a photo with film, they are committed to each and every shot they take. One the button is pushed, another frame of film is used. When one goes to develop their photos, they pay for every print, regardless of quality. Thus, photographers lay out cash to see pictures of their blurred thumbs, kitchen floors and the notorious “accidental first shot” when one is “testing” to make sure the film was loaded into the camera.
Digital cameras allow you to preview your snapshots before deciding which ones to print. Thus, the cost associated with printing poor quality and error-riddled pictures is completely avoided. In the long run, this can add up. If one tends to take a great deal of photos, or simply hates paying for useless snapshots, digital cameras are a great option.
Third, digital photography allows for far greater flexibility in use. Digital photographs are far more portable than traditional snapshots. They can be instantly shared via email with others. They can be posted online and shared with others, too. Digital photographers do not find themselves writing “Photos: Do Not Bend” on envelopes.
The digital nature of the pictures also allows for additional storage opportunities. A photo album is great for your old Polaroids, but what happens if it is misplaced or damaged? Digital photos can be retained on CD-roms or stored online, making them immediately and repeatedly accessible for viewing and/or printing.
The graphics files that are digital photographs can also be easily converted to other uses. Transforming them into T-shirt iron-ons, coffee mug adornments, and other novelty items is a snap using inexpensive photo software.
When one considers the potential long-term cost savings and the greater flexibility offered by digital photography and couples those strengths with the improved picture quality the cameras offer, it becomes clear that anyone interested in documenting their life and the lives of loved ones should make the switch.
It may be hard to put that old camera in a shoebox or to give it to the kids, but the time to do just that is here. There’s no reason to continue snapping film-based pictures and being disappointed with the results. Digital cameras allow you to produce excellent photos. And, when you don’t, you aren’t obligated to buy them or keep them. If you haven’t yet jumped on the digital bandwagon, it is time. The prices are definitely right and the advantages to photography using digital equipment are simply too overwhelming to ignore.