Craigslist where you can find everything you want to be done, is one of the most popular site visited worldwide. Based on it's Ads, millions of trading happen on daily basis. Their erotic section which has become a link for prostitute finding, unnatural sexual encounter and other illegal sex activities, is what many believe to be removed. But that'll be against the term of what Craigslist was built upon. Finally, to circumvent such negative issues,it is to use Credit card to post any posting on that section and Craiglist is charging fee to post on that. This is needed to keep track of every poster if needed to take legal action for any undesired results.
Whatever, this news is weird and it seems like a sort of restriction on the internet freedom but finally the agreement has been made to take some measures.
Thank you for reading my post.
I don't know, but I disagree with prostitution.
-Nurse Jen Doll
But anyway, there are better alternatives out there.