We're experiencing the flood of ebook reader devices. Some of these ebook readers are listed below:
Sony Reader PRS-700
Astak EZ Reader
iRex Digital Reader
Cybook Gen3
iLiad 2nd Edition
Foxit eSlick
Ebook readers are hot-sale these days because of it's extreme portability, easy to use features, and capacity to store thousands of books and articles in it. Just having a feeling of carrying multiple books in one-small-few-hundred-gram device is the main driving force making people spend.

These readers are replica of black N white newspaper of old time. You cannot see colorful images and stuff like that. Just grayscale and b/w. This is now becoming one one growing issue among readers(we human). Reading things in color means whole different set of technology and lets see how long does it take for these companies to embrace that.
Needless to say, infact mobile devices and smart phones can be turned into mini-ebook readers too. Like I can read books on my HTC Touch diamond. How cool is that?
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