It's called Triople MSN Block checker.
and, nah, you don't need to enter your hotmail address/password. nothing like that. It just scans the port where the msn messengers sent packets.

There are certain things to follow up. If the person has set certain rules on his msn client, then this msn block checker may not give accurate result.
To view what's it all about and check the person's email id if he/she has blocked you or not, CLICK HERE
And, the traditional method is to add that person from another id. If that person blocks you in one id, but you see him/her online from another id, you obviously know what's the deal after then. Well, MSN messenger can't be run more than one instance. So, i suggest you to use, aMSN. Download it from here
I checked one or two, good that I haven't caught anyone yet! hehe