Date: Feb 2, 2008
Time: 12:45 pm
Crew: Ashwin Bro,Cheryl,Tsering,Prayasha,Eva and myself
Last weekend, I had a wonderful time observing aquatic life. There were so many unbelievable creatures I've never seen before. Of them all, Sea Otter is quite famous . Because, wherever I went, I saw things made on the theme of Sea otter. Be it clothes,key chains,toys,backpacks or playing cards, everywhere it's Sea Otter as main theme of their products. I saw one hilarious Sea otter theme on shirt, which I've posted as a picture below.
The aquarium was filled with sharks,tuna,dolphin,sunfish,self-illuminating jelly fish,transparent fish,stingray,and more.. whose names were hard to remember for first-timer like me but whatever I saw, was fantastic and I enjoyed the moment.
Somehow, I managed to capture it in 11 minutes video,that I'd like to show to my readers. Common, it's awesome and for the pictures, it didn't go that well, because, 'No flash inside aquarium' was written there somewhere and the rule, I followed which resulted my pictures as poor as it could be quality-wise (besides, my cam is not even a mid-end, lol and am complaining) but
The following pictures are taken inside Bay Aquarium

Good photographer, he(my bro) took shot of my back. Most of the time, I was taking shots of others and the only chance when I got is something like this, back shot jeez, anyways..)

they are so cute!
and the background song.. ehe!
Tips are on its way.. ehehe