This post is very strange because, what you are going to see is something unusual, something you dare not think about that easily.

More pictures follow below which are really weird but true.

So, what do you think of these pictures? Have your say please .
Ewww what are they thinking doing that! OMG!
Little children thesedays...
Bigri sakecha.
OMG, this is so shameful! God, tyo pani BAIRA!
Soooooo absolutely totally completely metally physically WRONG!
Hai Navin? hehe
TV and mass media has numbed the world to this sort of thing. They just mimicked what they saw somewhere.
Hopefully they never saw and try to mimic Hostel or Saw.
When I was of their age, I didn't know about what kissing and sex all about. But, looking at these kids, i'm stunned and their postures surely reminded that they are imitating some sort of activities that they've seen.
Kids are good imitaters, by the way, :)
But did you know, in Nepal, many years ago, a brother imitated a part of act where people sacrifice their goats in temple during festival "DASHAIN". Irony, the brother sacrificed his own brother with 'Khukuri'(Nepalese Knife which is huge than conventional knife we've in western society). That story was about imitating some bad things.
Work of some pedofile????
I don't think they did it on there own!!!!!!!!!!
And when you said ... ...parents shouldn't let their kids watch such movies... ... up there, i knew it TV's and movies bad influences has reached into even younger children
How come we posted such a related article ? weird... (^^,)
MangalMan bro, I think same but I stop when I look at them and they look natural performer :)
Aakar bro, exactly, where are we going now, I don't know, 12 years giving birth, 60 years giving birth, strange but that's happening.
Trish, may be that's coincidence :) and, sorry for confusing you at first by giving wrong URL.
something is wrong somewhere in our society...they still kid for god sake!
Webster, I need to know what you think :) besides, it's somewhat unusual, somewhat sick.
Waliz, that's where my concern is all about
2 things occurred to my mind when i saw the pictures.
This kids must be watching to much tv or they probably saw it done by grown-ups.
That some psycho crazy adult made them do this in exchange for some candies.
Last week or was it last kast week..
Some kids were playing House. There 4 of them, 3 boys and a girl. The boys ages ranges from 9 to 12 and the girl was probably 6 or 7. the boys ended up gang raping the little girl...
I think I agree a lot with your '1st' reason. :)
and regarding your story about kids gang rape, it's shocking news.. and sorry to hear about that.. pretty bad, eah??.. yeahp, Sick !!!