Xabbel.org doesn't use it's own proprietary search engine because, it's not much of smartness to invest upon one when there are already big fishes like Google,MSN and Yahoo in the search engine business. That's why and how a German Christian Kroll founded this organization(headquartered in Germany) partnering with Google and using it's search technology. And he's glad to have some helpers around assisting on his virtuous project.
I felt so touched to find out that Christian has helped a lot to my country's men and poor people. As I was reading his blog, I knew a lot about his project. It's really good to write about such project.
I urge you all, please bookmark www.xabbel.org and please make it as your default search engine. The money they make out of searching, will go to them who is in need of it. You can help uplift the living standard of poor people using this search engine. Besides, you'll get the same relevant search result as you would get from using google, so why not we use xabbel.org, the charitable search engine.
By the way, their project and donation revolves around the following:
* Education
* Development aid
* Equality of rights
* Health care
* Environmental and animal protection
* Promotion of human rights
Thank you for reading.
Because, Xabbel.org is based upon Google's Search Technology