These days, I'm getting so busy with the extremely joyful rampage of troubleshooting peoples computer problem in real life. The pleasure I get from the face of people getting happy for their solved problem is more than the orgasm for me. The orgasm that I've gotten within these few days back is hard to describe in words. I was unselfishly helping people online to solve their computer issues. I was deliberately writing tutorials on my blog posts for one single question asked for and to many extent, that's proved helpful to them and as well to me. My blog posts are sought after by many educational institutions since I've posted useful things(under FACTs and FIGURES category..oops LABEL) which are important for aspiring students who want to make themselves more familiar with computer and technology. I'm really satisfied with the results I'm getting when I read my site statistics. On top of that, these free tutorials and online consultations are paying me back.

I started helping people out here, and I didn't notice that the job I'm doing is called as an Independently self-employed. I didn't mean to be like that but with what I did in past weeks, I'm pretty much proud of myself. This one month experience helped me to become more confident and approachable. As I wrote earlier, I finished major projects like troubleshooting peoples computer sorrows along with companies computer problem, setting up advanced networks which means going from LAN to WAN server administration, that was challenge to me and I finished that too(Took time but I did finish it). I taught how to blog and how to install/handle wordpress engine to my student, how web hosting companies work? etc. I designed a business website. I troubleshoot computer problems remotely. I accessed others system and remotely solved all their headaches. Some good guy showed up and I help them with their document conversion. And, so many other stuffs I just couldn't remember now. These are the jobs that I did from my heart. I didn't learn any of these and I didn't take any formal training. But How did I learn to do these jobs,.. now, I'm sitting and contemplating myself, I think it's passion, passion about being in Love with the Technology, that's what made me do all these things(that doesn't mean I don't want to study and be involved in formal training sessions). One man whom I told about this thing, he thinks I'm extra-ordinarily intelligent which I consider is a wrong judgment(that doesn't mean I'm disrespecting his thought). What he didn't see is my passion? But whatever, the same man offered me a job and I happily accepted. The job would give me some references than working independently. So far, I managed to have two good references and If I managed to work for this man, I'll have 3 good references for my future dream job. I'm working on behalf of his financial institution and will be in training period for 2 months. I'm glad that I set up network on all his offices and with that he must have been impressed. Otherwise he would have selected one from some 24 candidates applied for that job.

It's few days ago, when I went up to the hill of Sunnyvale North, Silicon Valley. There I entered Fry's Electronics domain, I was actually looking for a harddisk and just in jest, I applied for the job in tech crew and the supervisor took brief on-the-spot interview. He looked nowhere and fixed my interview date which was supposedly be held tomorrow at 12 noon. That's the good thing, I was so excited. The bad thing is it's almost 1 and half hour away from my place. I was geographically unsuitable for the job, either I had to move or take public transportation. That would've been hectic, since I would get tired of traveling that long back and forth. If I wouldn't have been offered a job here in Santa Cruz, I must have asked them for any relocation option. But whatever, I canceled my interview by informing them today. I said them, I would look forward to work there when I'll have my own vehicle. Sadly, I don't have any vehicle now since I'm still a new guy here and I think will take time to do things that I like.
More on next time and will be keeping in touch with you friends and visitors.
Thanks for reading till here.
anyway, what's with all the laptop on the first picture?
R u fixing 'em or is it yours?
If it's yours giv it
Good luck and hope the best for your career Nav..
Anyway, glad to hear that you have selected your favorite job and wish you success your dream job soon.
Its not easy to get your favorite job. Appreciate it!
...and I wouldn't know you're buddist until you show ur personal pic with 3 pcs
Hi Vickie, thanks for your concern, oh yeah,.. I'm Buddhist by heart and religion. :)