This article is purely based upon my research and hereby want to clarify there is no egoism and vengeance involved. I read other hundreds of links to confirm and support my verdict on the 'Top 7 Worst Websites in Nepal'.
Anyone affiliated with the following websites should take it as a measure of improvement and constructive criticism rather than fuming on what's written here.
Lets start with something as an example to make you understand what the theme of this post is. Check this out:
Once you checked the site, you must be thinking "what's so special out there?". Lemme tell you, the Turkish guy Mahir Cagri on that site is 'Cyber Celebrity' and the credit goes to his awkwardly designed site Once his site broke record of millions of hits a day, I don't know how. Despite his degraded English written on his site, it was so popular during 1999. I don't know how. Ever since, he has been interviewed numerous times in medias. Even on their national/international TV channels, I don't know how. His eccentric website gave him name and fame. This is my theme for today. I'm talking about some of the worst yet notoriously popular sites originated from Nepal. I call them luck-favored, fluke winner.
I, hereby, starting my article's main nugget.
1. : You must've heard an urban saying, 'Many people read craps, many people do craps,many people eat craps'. Well this site is one of the blogs if you've read, then is crap. The author has self-proclaimed testimony awarded to him by himself as the first blogger of the First Nepali blog in Nepal. To your amusement, he is in a strong jest to prove all his readers not a reader but bunch of fools and douche bags. Look at his blog Title, 'This is not a news site, it's blog'. He thinks readers can't differentiate between news and blog articles. He delivers news all the time through his blog, yet his blog headers sound different and hilarious. I've chuckled many times on this stupidity, but not any more, I'm used to it.
According to some sources, his blog's popularity picked up during people's revolution which threw away King's throne in vain. He then posted pictures of clashes and fed news hungry Nepalese living abroad with prompt news and latest pictures. But it's cynical on his self-claiming that his blog is Nepal's first blog in Nepalese language. To my knowledge, I was reading other Nepalese blog and sites before his blog. Obviously he is truly a big time liar.
The guy who expects to be the author of the first Nepali blog, has actually started his blog's title in English alphabet. Isn't that way hypocritical? On top of his posts based upon politically biased news and informations, he also backed baseless facts like 'Peepal-leaf powered Cellphone', he dishonored the benefits of VOIP, a latest and vibrant technology in use today. There are so many other posts where he falsified many facts and forced people to believe his saying. Truly, this blogger is out of mind stupid who curses his employers, advertisers and yet notoriously popular. I wouldn't say sucks directly but the reality is his site gets thousands of hits a day.
2. : More than 7 years ago, Mercantile started a simple sister site called for publishing news online. Mercantile is one of Nepal's old Internet Service Providers. The CEO of Mercantile thinks himself as Bill Gates of Nepal. When people of Nepal were getting a word or two about Internet, they started their news site. Nobody had dared to start a site because it was way expensive then. It was only to someone's reach like big organizations or richy rich person. Starting website was of great respect and almost unimaginable for ordinary people. Mercantile instead of removing that disbelief, increased the gap. They charged people with high rates for their services. They didn't do anything to ease rather proved the technology as the most expensive thing after GOLD. While reading news about then India's progress on IT always envied me.

What started as a simple news publishing site is now more uglier and cluttered than ever. They bear a reputation of being Nation's only site which started delivering news but look at their sites security. This site has been hacked several times. Ever since crackers hacked into their boxes and wiped out entire video collections relevant to their news, they are now hosted on YouTube. They don't hire skilled manpower to safeguard their online services.
You can find several grammatical errors, poorly written articles and unstructured content and dead archives. This is not a personal site, it's read nationally and internationally. They should've considered on that.
On other note, this site is visited tremendously everyday and I wouldn't say sucks.
3. : This is Country's old online shopping store. Actually, was later on superseded by, short and sweet name.

4. : Yomari is one of the oldest web solution providers meaning, they build websites, help creating MIS services, data mining etc. They've big names under their clients according to them.

If you've eagle-eyed on their latest Site where they've stated, they founded their company in 2004 which is actually a big lie. In fact, this company has been into existence since 1998. During this period, they've managed to grab many opportunities to create websites of private companies and government. If you've seen Nepal's government sites being hacked by Iranian crackers and ever wondered who might have finished those sites, well it's YOMARI. Their websites are the most hacked, unsecured and unreliable.

As one report stated, their management is also filled with self-centered and abusing officials. If it were in USA, one might have already pressed charge against them but that is Nepal. They are very notorious for employee abuse.
If you are planning to buy their services, I want you to read this thread below:
Yomari abuses it's employee unimaginably
You don't wanna get services from a company which is dictatorial to it's employees and unaccountable to it's clients. Yet, this is the most sought after web company. It's employees think sucks bigtime.
5. : This is one of the ugliest Nepalese websites I've ever seen. It is atrociously cluttered and hard to navigate, improper design and very grotesque.
The navigation is so cluttered that it looks like somebody might have spit with disgrace. Whoever has designed this site, I compare it with his mind's structure.
Other than that, this site is extremely inclusive and it has everything of interest to read on. It has live forum,chat,photo albums, everything to spend good time upon.
This is another massively visited site. But I never pay first visit on this site except some search engine result pages pointing to this site.
6. : This is one of the oldest sites which specifically reviews Nepalese websites and awards them with it's own Badge. Way back, when bloggers asked this site to review their blogs, they denied simply because they didn't know about blogs. Irony, they've their own blogs now a days. They started reviewing blogs too. Hilarious but the truth.
The problem with this site is it doesn't do good reviews. They are focused on biased and emotional reviews. Many of their 'Site of the Month' or 'Site of the year' are dead and they don't really care to weed it out. So, this proves how immature their reviews are and how unprofessional their awards are which they keep doing on mushrooming sites without much research. I've already mentioned they do this biased and emotional.
Other than that, I wouldn't say sucks. Yet it's one of the most visited sites during it's time. You can still find collection of Nepalese site listed, don't go for their reviews though.
7. : This site used to look good. It does,according to it's domain name, sound like it's only about Thamel, but that's not. I would tag it as a chameleon. I've been seeing this site changing it's color and service all the times. Few years ago, It looked like an online stores, sometimes it looks like Gift store, now a days you can see they are offering loan to NRN(Non-Resident Nepalese), dead link to their so called online banking.. Yeap, so much hiccups to get their services. What would you do, if you sent money and the next day, their link was dead from where you sent money?
One of my readers told me, that he tried to send money through but later had to end up arguing to get his money back. He almost lost hope for his money because neither receiver received money and nor he's properly informed. Their customer support, I guess, is horrible.
Other than that, it's one of the most visited sites in Nepal. May be because it's the only place in Nepal where Tourists flock at first as soon as they come to this country. Back to their homes, their memories from Thamel must excite them to type instinctively.
This ends my reviews on the worst and notoriously popular Nepalese websites. If you guys have anything to share more on this, I'll compile and constantly update this article giving due credit to your words.
Thank you for reading my post.
Comments : I opened this site march 2008. I was happy to see "Online Reservation" in home page. But there is only year 2007. Then I mailed them, but no reply.
Then I asked my friend in Delhi to book ticket form me as booking ticket in ktm and sending b courier is not safe beause i have only 1 week time. Finally I got my ticket from my Delhi's friend by courier.
Now my google chrome browser says its not safe to visit this site. : i bought pc to phone account from this site for 5$. when i paid 5$ from paypal error page came and i didnt get an userid/password. i mailed them many times and wrote my comments on feedback form also but no reply. after 2-3 months i got mail from them saying that there sevice has been resumed. I replied them saying i didn't get any userid/password from them. the they gave me userid/password. it was working fine for sometime. after few weeks i can hear ringing tone but no one receive call. but when i call same person by my mobile they said they said they didn't receive any call.
SLC result: on on my friend came from nepal to admit his brother in +2. He called me when i was in office and game me his brothers symbol no. and asked me to get prinout of result. then i searched in google for "slc result nepal" . I opened goverment site, it has 2063 result only, no 2065 result. may be goverment officers are sleeping sice 2003.
then i opened ntc site, it shows only marks obtained but doesn't show full marks. it means i have to say this and this is the full marks for this annd ths subject to principal of college.
then i opened, it shows marks obtained and full marks. there is a print option near the marks and i clicked there, but it printed whole page with all advertisement and marks printed in in pages :-) finally i didnt try for any other site and copy paste marks from to MS Word and printed from there withou any adverisement in 1 page. when i checked flight shedule it shows in airport code. Does this site meant for airlines staff? Or general public most know airport code?
About mysansar.commain thing i dont't like is author puts photos in video slideshow so that he can earn money from revver.
My coudin had a baby and he went to bharatpur municipility office with birth registration certificate form printed and downloaded from municipility website, but municipility officers told him that he must fill the form given by municipility office not the one which he downloaded. i dont understand why municipility office put forms in their website.
Having broken liks is coomon in nepali website. if you want some information be sure that they wont reply ur mail or feedback you posted through the site.
There are many local sites created by local people of outside kathmandu.they put photos of local models and nothing more than that. finally they don't maintain the site and had old information only.
Online banking is new in Nepal. Many banks site doesn't work for some days. neither they inform nor they shows any error message, finally you have to call them and ask.
Many nepali sites puts information in word and excel format which we have to downloa and see. why cant they copy paste it the site insted of putting url to download??
I sugest you all nepali site owners:
IF you can't maintain site then don't create it.
If you can't reply mail then dont put your mail address.
Back in 2003 when I wanted to start my own website I visited the wlink office to get some webspace. And it was like Rs. 5000 for 50 Mb< stupid thugg haru
I checked those sites as you listed, it's so horrible. I wouldn't dare to ask for online services from websites like these, they are pathetic, looks like some kids have done it.
One thing is bothering me, why didn't they accept your form which you downloaded off the government site? You know what, I could smell fishy stuff.. may be they want to make some money selling those forms piled up on their desks. They are big time suckers and should be reported soon. I think it's not government but the workers working for them 'which' are not fully supporting for what reason websites are built.
For your comments not being replied back, well.. on other side, they are dead. Nobody looks/updates what's going on their site. I once saw, lots of pornographic stuff on one of the government website. Which shows, those sites are not moderated or maintained.
Anonymous, I could understand your concept. Those demented bastards are trying hard to prove that technology is very hard to get, very expensive and out of reach whilst other part of world is enjoying same thing in lunch break price.
This new Nepal's government should carefully monitor these kind of activities, and penalize the alleged group(web companies) involved into it. Which take large sum of money from government and does nothing afterwards. Government should shut such companies ASAP.
I'll soon write about these stuffs and notify one of the Maoist High Officials what's smelling below their nose.
i hate nepalnews and mysansar and i HATE YOMARI
i am the CREATOR of IHATEYOMARI blog
THANK YOU for writing about it
please READ this everyone..if u want to know abt yomari n its HITLERS
I just wrote this post to create a kind of awareness, and dark side of web companies, sites and people related with IT esp. in Nepal. Outsiders don't know what is all about Tech in our country, just giving them clue to figure out.
Just checked your blog in detail, that's way long list of people saying bad things about
I also read Pujan Malla's harsh comment, which I think is very obscene and kind of hard to believe. He's my friend's friend and when I usually met him, he never presented himself that way.
But this is my blog, and I don't care about favoritism and even if he's my friends friend, I give a damn care, reality is what I cook in my blog.
So be it. Keep visiting. Take care
Thanks for your comment once again.
I enjoyed reading and i also fully agree.
I am an ex yomari and i never liked it and ..
>>YOMARI teaches us how to commit crime and make ourself a marries person to decrease TAX.
>>YOMARI teaches us how to lie to the customer.
>>YOMARI teaches us NOT to be high thinking..just think less and work MORE n don't expect salary increment and BONUS and overtime work and allowances etc etc..
>> and ya also EAT our CIT money..
>> YOMARI has worst managers and sorry to say your so called FRIEND: PUJAN is one of them.
only good to show off.
he knows nothing about management.
I'm sorry to read about your all these bad experiences with them.
Never knew he/his company would turn that way.
take care
This is good. I had so many complains against nepalnews. It is a rubbish site with all google ads and advertisements..
I got so irritated that i do not use it at all now.
And ya
I am an ex-yomarian..
i am just laughing how, bad things about yomari is coming out.
I hope yomari learns from all those things and starts doing good for their employees.
I think you should ask yomari managers to read this blog as well..
Thanks for ur comment.
by the way, I don't think I need to let them know about this post. Eventually, they'll know about this post since it's picking up high search engine result.
now i saw in nepal that internet banking trend is growing.. thats a good sign...
about i had been there and at first glance i found it some kind of nigerian sites lol...
P.S. i read your post through RSS but kept a reminder to post a comment.. and today found time to do it.. ;-)
how about bringing up best sites in Nepal. someday??? and dont forget to put threrer.. blink ;-)
this is the reason i dont visit ekantipur...
hem bro, I'll look forward to put you in best sites, pretty soon :)
and ekantipur is just a nightmare. I forgot that but actually I was reviewing the one with longest years in existence.
all sites that I reviewed are dead old and still up.
स्वर्गीय राम थापाले गाएको छ माछी जालैमा बोलको मार्मिक गीत हेर्न तल क्लिक गर्नुस्-
and he kept google ads below this line and actual song below google ads.
Hope you got my point :) but a well written article but with some misleading information. keep it up.
His website layout is as dummy as it could be.
Hello Abhay, if Yomari in Nepal and US were two different companies, I would have never bothered to write this article. They need to change their language on their website if so. Otherwise, their purpose seems devious. Well, I did quite a research to come up with this article.
Tinyint, that's outrageous. This people can't get over of it. It's the competition now, they are dropping the price, but in the name of technology, they on rampant loot. I think they still charge extremely high than the rest of the world. I just checked their site and they are charging more than $100 for 10 MB webhosting per year. The only difference is their local web server. Shit on that.. That's a loot. Worldlink sucks when it comes to provide webhosting services
Did you go through some really popular personal blogs as well? Or are they out of context on this one?
and thanks for your comment :) on the list. That site must be one of the worst and cluttered website ever.
He is one of the self centered and selfish man I have ever known...
Now he is commenting on the management...
Sorry to see this..
is it worst sites?