I got up to take a pee as usual in the middle of the night, and the breeze(off the open windows) was so cool, as I peeped outside, it was moon's light I couldn't resist. Took a deep pranayama breathe in/out to enjoy the air, darted inside, got a FZ28 on my hand and outside started to shot Moon's pic. Then I Put the camera into Video Recording Mode, and before I hit the shutter-release button to record, I set the camera into Spot metering mode.
If you don't know how to put your Panasonic FZ28 into Spot Metering mode, check this picture below:
Don't know what is spot metering??
Read it here: http://www.spotmetering.com/spwhy.htm
Well, I almost felt like Jim Carey then (Bruce Almighty), where he uses his mighty power to drag moon closer to the earth.. At one point, I was terrified to see moon's crater's on my camera's LCD screen, I almost lost control, it got shaky, You could see that on the camera footage.
Time of recording: Aug 13,2009 , 1:03 am
Even if Panasonic FZ28 has optical zoom of 18x, with spot metering ON, you'll get 32x Zoom(Optical+Digital mixed). It's awesome.
Thanks for watching.
moon pics...
But if you shot that at night I'd like to know which phone model do you have. Because, so far I've not seen any expensive cell phones with that much of telescopic power to see craters of moon in such details.
Not even my other expensive DSLR could get that much into details..
I'm amazed if you've done that with your mobile phone..