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My blog in retrospect

Feb 8, 2008 5 comments
February, well, the month of love as we all know and I still remember the chilly month of February when I first fell in love with blogging. I don't know what inspired me to blog but one thing is for sure. That is, I started blogging to keep log of my favourite knowledge that I came across, the knowledge that I was so intoxicated with and liked so much that I wanted to preserve for future reference. Seriously, I did blogging to keep log of something important that I noticed so that I wouldn't have to go back to home,flip pages of my notebook to refresh my memory. I wanted to have it available whereever I go and the blogging was the perfect platform for me then. I'm proud I did start blogging.

I worked as computer technician and I solved people's computer problems. Sometimes, I learned unique way to solve peoples problem, sometimes, I learned some new and nice tricks to address the problem, and as soon as I found out that, I made a post and kept it online,shared it with world and that's how my blog 'Mero Guff' born.

At times, I lit the fire on topics which drew over 130 uniques comments on one post viewed by 10,000 unique visitors. And, sometimes, I lit the fire on topics which drew over 6000 unique visits just within few hours. What I learned from all these things was, to blog about something which is happening now, something which is attention-grabbing contemporarily and I think I hit it where it mattered. I won't say, I'm a successful blogger but I'm glad that I've my own niche, my own friends-turned-readers base and I equally have same feelings for all new readers who visit and drop by some of their valuable words. I respect them all.

How could I forget the time, when I blogged for friends, for someone that I haven't met before or for someone whom I loved much or for something that I've put myself into? If you are getting hardtime understanding this very para,please don't trouble. It's not that worth either, jeez.

I think blogging started with ownself and now, I'm blogging for not only me, but for my friends and readers too. It's a good way to keep in touch with readers who is not only readers but their own content publishers too. Say, we are bloggers for bloggers or may be that sounds more biased because, not all readers are bloggers so, I'd say loyal readers for bloggers too. Thank you all for bearing with me and my rants for whole one year.

Some of my favourite posts so far from yesteryear are as follows:

Photo fun

100 Rupees note that I painted

Top 21 things a Nepalese does

Driving license of Bihar

Mero Nepal ani Nikamma Sarkar(this one is in Nepali)

Alternative resources in Nepal

Online NES games(I still play here sometimes)

AYMFEO v1.0(this is a game I coded in VB)

What your names stand on,check here

The man and the porn story, I still can't forget this story. lol

Wonderful ebook on digital photography that I shared with my readers.

Evolution of Computer Virus,Pakistan was first to release computer virus. Want to know more, just follow this link

These are selected fun things to download which gave me tons of laugh

My birthplace, My Kathmandu from Sky bird-view

Best home remedies for worst diseases

Miss Nepal 2007, oh.. It was nice comments generating topic, I really enjoyed having nice discussion with people during that time.

First ever Nepalese calendar for Mobile phone, MERO PATRO. I always used it on my N70 phone back then.

Montage a Google, Just give it a try, it's cool

Bridge Course in Nepal,(this is in Nepali too)

Kill Autorun.inf virus

The best antivirus in world, I think is...

Recover deleted images from digital camera or any Memory card

Internet Browser fun, gives a nice whirl to your browsers

Web hosting companies in Nepal

Internet Addiction test online

Fashion 2008, PG +13 needed, lol

Dimag bigreyeka Kaliwooday hero haru(this one is again in Nepali)

Nepalese Government Site hacked

Prashant Tamang, this topic alone got above 10,000 unique hits.

How to hide data in picture files or say jpeg/gif image files

Someone gets mouse-bitten and he sued McDonald, very funny

Unsung Tech personality, Muni Bdr Shakya of Nepal

Tons of USB tools and portable applications

How to backup firefox bookmark

I'm an artist too

My first kiss, wonderful article by Nirav aka Speed

Remove Taskbar disabled and other issues

Huge database of Registry tips and tricks

Nepal Telecom

baidu dot com

Mahabir Pun

Comodo Firewall

What happens if meteor hits Earth?

My views on gaming history in general

That's it folks. These are the posts above that I made last year and I think attention deserving as well which I won't forget and they are the best posts for me at least. It'll surely give some serious dose of info as well as some serious dose of fun-filled experience too if you do care peeping in. GOSHHHH.. it's already 1 year.. Time flies when you blog.. ehehe

Thank you for reading.


Webster Twelb said…'ve been doing this for long now..

i think that's already a long time. WD! Keep it up!
Navin said…
umm. kind of long time.. yeah.. ehehe.. you are right :)
Anyways, Thanks Webby
PRENA said…
OMG! It's been a year! YAYYYYYY! It's like around the same time we started talking tooooo! Awwww... feels like it's been a long time. Good good! Keep it up hehe!
Navin said…
Thank you Thank you Prenuuuuuuuu

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